Author: James Izzo

While some few restaurant websites today seem to check all the boxes, most have serious deficits of various kinds.

A Billboard or a Platform The Flexibility of Restaurant Website Design

A restaurant website could be as straightforward as an online billboard or as comprehensive as a social media platform. It could do everything, such as allow users to create an account, upload content, make purchases, and much more. It could also be a page with a single image. It could advertise the restaurant with a motto as simple as “come in and check it out.”

How People Find Restaurants

The above is the magic of restaurant websites. Everyone has a strategy. They can open the door as wide as they want. At the very least, they have the website. The simple existence of the website is enough to matter for many restaurant owners. This is because of the way people find places to eat in their community. They visit Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Google to read reviews and look at pictures. If a restaurant has no web presence, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Why does it not have reviews? Why are there no images?

It suggests that the restaurant is no good. It may be amazing, but this is the current world and this is how consumers choose their desired place to eat. The restaurant websites are a portal for many, regardless of their complexity. Thankfully, the creation and maintenance of the site could be as involved or as off-hand as the owner wants.

Stay Involved- or Not

A restaurant owner can be as involved or not as they feel comfortable with. This is the great thing about web marketing. It can take so many forms and evolutions without needing the direct oversight of the restaurant owners. They can find a team they trust, monitor things as they see fit, but believe in the structure and the resources of their marketing team. They can focus where they need to be without becoming burdened by a whole new aspect of their business.


The website and web marketing of a restaurant could become extensive and detailed. It could incorporate restaurant social media marketing within the website. Proactive campaigning to draw traffic is common in social media. It could also involve email campaigns, landing pages, and SEO.

It is all up to the owner. What do they want? How involved do they want to be? All restaurant website marketing is built on the foundation of having a website to go to. Everything else is an exploration of the power a website can provide and the foot traffic it can bring in.